With the approval of Law no. 139/2018, our country has transposed into national legislation Directive 2012/27/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2012 on energy efficiency, by creating the necessary legal framework for the promotion and improvement of energy efficiency, including by making qualitative energy audits conducted by qualified energy auditors available to all final consumers. Thus, in order to qualify energy auditors, the Regulation on energy auditors and energy audit has been elaborated and approved by Government Decision no. 676 of 10.09.2020 (GD 676/2020). Energy auditors can be qualified and registered in the electronic Register of energy auditors for one or more categories, as follows:
Buildings - for any heated/cooled building, including public lighting;
Industry - for any industrial process, including those related to agricultural and forestry activities;
Transport - for any type and form of vehicle.